Package Lists contain a lot of information,
but basically tell us (and you) what you currently have on order. There
are many variations (serving different purposes) of a Package List.
You can ask to see you list anytime and get a personal copy printed or
emailed to you monthly. |
All Package information is confidential and is
never shared outside Collector's Edge Comics. Not all types of lists contain all
information, but they can be broken down like this: |
1. header |
Appears at the top of the list, contains just
what it shows; name, customer ID, and store location. |
2. bio |
1 |
Phone numbers |
Used to
contact you if necessary. |
2 |
Indicator |
3 |
Additional Person |
Tell us if
someone else can pick up your stuff, who else to
contact if needed. |
4 |
Inception |
Date you
started as a Package Customer. |
5 |
Standing |
Your current
standing as a Package Customer. A 'Standard' means you are
in good standing. |
6 |
Address |
occasionally send out mailings and flyers. |
7 |
Birthdate |
Used to
screen for Adults Only. |
8 |
Counts |
breakdown of the number of titles and specialty items on
your list. |
9 |
eMail address |
We offer a
number of eMail based services. |
10 |
Crossovers |
a tag for each crossover who have requested. For
example, "COID", means this person is getting
all the parts of the "Crisis On Infinite
Donuts" crossover. See CROSSOVERS. |
11 |
Personal Note |
instructions, alternate addresses, payment information. |
12 |
Request Note |
requests.See REQUESTS. |
3. titles |
Each Title line has
reference line number, which may be followed by a Line Type Code. |
Line Type Code
indicates special handling. For example: |
- 3R: added by
request note.
- 4X: added by
based in titles already on your list.
If the ordered quantity
is more than 1, this is shown in { }. (Line 5, getting 2 copies of
that title.) |
TIO (this issue
only). You can request a specific issue of any title by indicating
"TIO". |
Line 7 shows "#2 only". In this
example you
are getting 1 copy of Riverdale Punks (line 6) and 1 extra copy of
Riverdale Punks #2, for a total of 2 copies of Riverdale Punks
#2. |
Note: you can request
TIOs for issues of titles you already receive (to get extra copies) and
can request TIOs for issues of Titles you do not normally
receive . |
4. specialty |
This grid lists any specialty (non new comics)
you have on order. The Item column lists the item name and issue of the
item. |
5. footer |
1 |
For List |
Personal use,
Store Transfer, Store Use, etc. |
2 |
On Date |
This is an
internal update date, not the last date any changes were
done. |
3 |
Date |
this list was printed. |
4 |
Please let us know of any address or phone
number change. We keep package lists as current as possible, but Title and
Specialty listings are constantly changing.
If you have any questions
about your package list, please ask any employee or email
To view an emailed package list you need