On Line |
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02/02/2007 |
By Airman Mike Lang |
(Editor's Note: Mike Lang is an Edgeguy
that started filing comics in the basement when back when he was 16. Owner-man Steve called him Mark for the first 2 weeks.)
(Owner's Note: We're all very proud of our boy Mike. Come back safe buddy.) Well it's been awhile since my last article, almost 2 ½ years to be correct. But I figured that it was time to share my journey into the Air Force with everyone that I came across at the Edge. I'm also currently writing this from Iraq, I have deployed to Iraq 3 different times now, the first trip was from March-July 2005 and that was the longest, I was gone for about 144 days. But I returned safely, the second trip was from Feb till June 2006 and then I came back to the states for 3 ½ months and left back in October 2006. So 8 months of 2006 I spent over here in Iraq. When I return next month I'll have 400 days spent in Iraq, something I never thought I would have seen back in 2004. I joined the Air Force just to see what it was all about, it has never been something I've wanted to do my whole life, and my main goal is to be a teacher. But I've seen some really cool places, like; England, Germany, Italy, Greece, Kuwait, Qatar, Iraq and Canada. It's been quite the rollercoaster rides with its up and downs, this current trip I spent my first holidays away from my family and friends without being able to call them, the internet is the best way of communication when I have been deployed. It's been tough but always worth it someway. If I wouldn't have ever been over here in April 2006 I never would have been able to get in touch with Geoff Johns (Writer for DC comics) it was a shot in the dark but I emailed him and next thing you know I'm talking with the guy about comics and my current job. It was crazy, so before I left I flew an American flag for him and sent it to him in the mail. By the time I came back in October I received a message from Geoff asking for my address out here, so I gave it to him and a few weeks later to my surprise he sent me a box of comics signed to me. Now that was something I never expected, but I have to credit this all back to my beginnings at the Edge because if I never would have started there I would have possibly never gotten into DC comics since I was a huge Marvel Zombie. Aside from that let me tell you what I do, my job is Aircrew Life Support for the Air Force and basically I save people's lives that's the most important part of my job. I'm not in the medical field but I somewhat teach people how to stay alive and use the equipment that is going to save their lives. I can only say so much, so if you ever see me around the Edge when I get back I will gladly explain more about my job. My trips to the “War” have been unique and very hard, it's the little things in life that I think a lot of us take for granted. Like being able to have a hot shower every night or good food on a daily basis. I've lived in really old tents that most likely date back to Vietnam and I've lived in some decent trailers but its nothing like my own bed at home. If you were expecting more about comics I am sorry, the last time I saw a new comic was before I left in October. This experience has changed my life in both good and bad ways, I look forward to getting out and going back to school but I'll never forget what I've done or feel bad that I stood up and served my country because that's all I wanted was to be a Patriot. But on a comic's note of things if you're not watching Heroes I would say get on that show and find the episodes or download them from iTunes. It's a great show and the art by Tim Sale is just amazing. Now if you remember I was a huge fan of Smallville and I haven't seen much of this season but I'm afraid that it seems to be in a downfall even though there a few episodes this season that do look every good but maybe its time to let the series move on. Now I think this year for comic book movies will be really good with Spiderman 3 coming out and Ghost Rider, I am really waiting for 300 by Frank Miller this movie looks like it is just going to be awesome. Well I just wanted to inform everyone that I'm doing well and I am alive, I will be returning to Milwaukee in early February. Cheers! Mike Lang |