On Line |
11/19/2004 |
Top 10 "To Do" Items on the SYSOP's holiday list |
10) |
Is it spelled Qwanza or Qwanzaa? Make a decision and move on. |
9) |
Once again insist the other Edgeguys not buy me anything for Christmas, I am happy just to work here. And get free sodas. |
8) |
Have the second semi-annual argument over which is the better Christmas movie Die Hard or Gremlins. |
7) |
See if that gift card I got last year is still good. If it is use it to buy the person that gave it to me a gift for this year. |
6) |
Get "big eatin'" pants pressed and ready for Thanksgiving. |
5) |
Decide if my DC Comics Christmas ornaments should be on the left side of the tree and my Star Trek Christmas ornaments on the right, or go top and bottom this year. |
4) |
Begin upper body workout regimen; this year I plan to place at least 3rd in the Festivis Feats Of Strength competition. |
3) |
Eagerly wait for the "A Very Sopranos Christmas TV Special", which I believe will eventually be made. |
2) |
Dust off that hot looking Mrs. Claus costume for Diane to wear. |
and the number 1...
1) |
Beg old man Dobrzynski to let me leave early on Christmas Eve and allow me to toss another long box of comics on the fire to warm my tired, chilled bones. |