On Line |
09/03/2004 |
Top 10 Things Steve said to convince the Edgeguys that hiring a female wouldn't upset the delicate balance and natural order of things at the Edge. |
10) |
We could use a few more broads around here. |
9) |
She is probably smarter than most of us anyway. She knows all those "woman" tricks. |
8) |
Stupid ERA enforcement penalties. Besides, she has small hands and can easily clean in between the comic racks. |
7) |
Well, I need SOMEONE to read and explain chick books to me. |
6) |
No, you do not have to change the EdgeGUY logo to EdgePERSONS or have to change the color of anything to pink. |
5) |
If she wears a fake mustache no one will even know. |
4) |
The office could use a woman's touch... and so could the Mad Serb! |
3) |
Well maybe you should have thought of that BEFORE you all took off for Wizard World and I had to use monkeys to fill in! |
2) |
It will be nice to see someone else, besides Kurt, wear the Supergirl outfit to the annual Collector's Edge Sadie Hawkins dance. |
and the number 1...
1) |
We can call her nicknames like "Cupcake" and "Pumpkin". |