On Line |
04/23/2004 |
Top 10 Edge Urban Myths & Legends |
10) Myth: Rogman once ate 5 packs of pop rocks, drank a coke, and his head exploded. 8) Myth: The previous owner of the Edge still shows an eerie presence once and awhile. 7) Legend: Mike was raised by rats and can talk to and control them. 6) Misconception: Eating too much bacon is bad for you. 5) FOAF (friend of a friend): One of the Edge Guys has a friend who has a friend who bought Action Comics #1 (with 2 covers) at a rummage sale for $2. He is bringing it in any day now... 4) Legend: Creators whose pictures appear on the annual on-line New Year Sale trivia contest kick the bucket that same year. 3) Myth: A weird brown stain on the North store back wall seemed to be the image of Elvis. 2) Legend: As John was leaving West late one night after cleaning, he encountered the Mothman. and the number 1... 1) Medical Mystery: Dave Mehling was hit on the head by a falling Superman Archives and briefly knocked out. When he awoke he could only speak and write in Kryptonese.